Summer 2015 • Volume 97 • Number 3

Editor’s Notes
Ellen K. Wondra385
Tragedies of Communion: Seeking Reconciliation amid Colonial Legacies
Ross Kane391
Rightwiseness and Justice, a Tale of Translation
Ronald Damholt413
Christianity and World Religions: The Contributions of Barth and Tillich
David R. Mason433
The Legacy of Black Prophetic Moments: Dynastic Monuments versus Dynamic Movements
Kortright Davis449
Short Essays
Embodiment and Sacrifice in J. M. Coetzee’s Elizabeth Costello
William J. Danaher, Jr.469
Friends in God: A Foundational Motif in Classical Reflections on the Divine Economy
F. Gerald Downing483
Practicing Theology
More Lessons from Unlikely Sources: When a Market Researcher and a Megachurch Meet the Episcopal Church
Jay Sidebotham495
DenkmalKathleen Henderson Staudt507
Late Morning, Lake Tahoe: August 6, 2014Tim Vivian508
AdmissionPatrick Duddy509
As SuchDavid Middleton510
AnsweringHannah Marshall512
Peter’s FishChristopher Scalia513
HermitageJack Hernandez514
SlantJim McPherson515
Floyd County, KentuckyJoseph Bathanti516
The ToddlerL. N. Allen517
Review Article
Barack Obama and the Habit of Hope
S. T. Campagna-Pinto519
Book Reviews
Mark Adams, Minerva G. Carcaño, Gerald Kicanas, Kirk Smith, and Stephen Talmage, Bishops on the Border: Pastoral Responses to ImmigrationMichael Russell537
Nicholas Adams, Eclipse of Grace: Divine and Human Action in HegelMolly Farneth538
J. Neil Alexander, Celebrating Liturgical Time: Days, Weeks, and SeasonsTherese B. DeLisio540
Peter Cooley, Night Bus to the AfterlifeJames Edward Reid543
Ellen F. Davis, Biblical Prophecy: Perspectives for Christian Theology, Discipleship, and MinistryBillie Anne Robinson546
Troels Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material SpiritGiuseppe Gagliano547
Julie Gittoes, Brutus Green, and James Heard, eds., Generous Ecclesiology: Church, World and the Kingdom of GodRachel Muers549
Stanley Hauerwas, Without Apology: Sermons for Christ’s ChurchNathan Crawford551
Molly Field James, With Joyful Acceptance, Maybe: Developing a Contemporary Theology of Suffering in Conversation with Five Christian Thinkers: Gregory the Great, Julian of Norwich, Jeremy Taylor, C. S. Lewis, and Ivone GebaraEmily Hunter McGowin554
Christopher Jamison OSB, ed., The Disciples’ Call: Theologies of Vocation from Scripture to the Present DaySam Hole557
Myungsil Kim, Female Images of God in Christian Worship: In the Spirituality of TongSungGiDo of the Korean ChurchKathryn A. Rickert560
John Newton, New Clothes: Putting on Christ and Finding OurselvesMark R. Kowaleski561
Kirk J. Nolan, Reformed Virtue After Barth: Developing Moral Virtue Ethics in the Reformed TraditionJennifer Moberly563
Christopher Partridge, The Lyre of Orpheus: Popular Music, the Sacred, and the ProfaneVaughan S. Roberts SCP565
Robert C. Saler, Between Magisterium and Marketplace: A Constructive Account of Theology and the ChurchJohn Addison Dally568
Jeffrey M. Shaw, Illusions of Freedom: Thomas Merton and Jacques Ellul on Technology and the Human Condition andPhillip M. Thompson, Returning to Reality: Thomas Merton’s Wisdom for a Technological WorldChristian F. Casper570
R. S. Thomas, Uncollected Poems, edited by Tony Brown and Jason Walford DaviesWarren M. Harris572
Samuel Wells and Abigail Kocher, Shaping the Prayers of the People: The Art of IntercessionJoanne Leslie573
Stephen S. Wilbricht, Rehearsing God’s Just Kingdom: The Eucharistic Vision of Mark SearleFrancisco Garcia575
Bill Wylie-Kellermann, ed., William Stringfellow: Essential WritingsJ. Scott Jackson578