Summer 2013 • Volume 95 • Number 3

Editor’s NotesEllen K. Wondra409
Myth or Reality? An Introduction to Common PrayerRichard Geoffrey Leggett411
Christian Initiation in the Anglican CommunionJohn W. B. Hill and Rowena J. Roppelt419
Text, Shape, and Communion: What Unites Us When Nothing’s the Same AnymoreRon Dowling435
The Daily Offices in the Prayer Book TraditionPaul F. Bradshaw447
Practicing Theology
Common Prayer: A View from North of the 49th ParallelRichard Geoffrey Leggett461
Initiation in Aimai (Ambiguity): A Cultural Perspective from JapanShintaro David Ichihara473
Common Worship in the Church of England: Of the Braiding of Many Bridges There Is No EndPriscilla White479
Anamnesis in the Lakota Language and Lakota Concepts of Time and MatterPaul Sneve487
Saint Paul’s Chapel in New York City: A Case StudyMarilyn Haskel, Jacob Slichter, and Clay Morris495
An Ordo of Liturgical Consultation: The International Anglican Liturgical Consultations in 2013J. Eileen Scully505
Future Directions in Liturgical DevelopmentSylvia A. Sweeney517
PurgingDeborah J. Shore525
Yet AnotherMarjorie Maddox526
BenedictionDon Thompson527
Samson, OldJack Hernandez528
Choosing MatthiasWarren Meredith Harris529
The Baby’s Lost FingerAndrew Hudgins530
Now and at the Hour of Our DeathAngela Alaimo O’Donnell531
Adam Named All the AnimalsBryne Lewis532
Evolving Toward the FallDavid Middleton533
VegetablesSheryl Slocum534
Book Reviews
Thomas A. Baima, editor, A Legacy of Catholic-Jewish Dialogue: The Joseph Bernardin Jerusalem LecturesNewland Smith535
Nicholas Baker-Brian and Shaun Tougher, editors, Emperor and Author: The Writings of Julian the ApostateDavid Neal Greenwood538
M. Eugene Boring, An Introduction to the New Testament: History, Literature, TheologyIgal German541
James H. Cone, The Cross and the Lynching TreeTim Vivian543
Arnfríður Guðmundsdóttir, Meeting God on the Cross: Christ, the Cross, and the Feminist CritiqueJodi L. A. Belcher546
Jonathan Haidt, The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and ReligionWilliam Fraatz548
Craig Hovey, Bearing True Witness: Truthfulness in Christian PracticeJohn W. Wright551
Robert Davis Hughes III, Beloved Dust: Tides of the Spirit in the Christian LifeJared C. Cramer553
Philip C. Kolin, Reading God’s Handwriting: PoemsBarbara Wuest556
Adam Kotsko, The Politics of Redemption: The Social Logic of SalvationNathan Crawford557
Michael Lapsley, SSM, Redeeming the Past: My Journey from Freedom Fighter to HealerJesse Zink559
Kimberly Bracken Long, The Eucharistic Theology of the American Holy FairsLester Ruth561
Peter W. Martens, Origen and Scripture: The Contours of the Exegetical LifeEdmée Kingsmill, SLG564
Ephraim Radner, A Brutal Unity: The Spiritual Politics of the Christian ChurchDustin Resch566
Thomas P. Rausch, Eschatology, Liturgy, and Christology: Toward Recovering an Eschatological ImaginationRichard R. Topping569
Rainer Maria Rilke, Prayers of a Young PoetKevin Hart570
J. Denny Weaver, The Nonviolent AtonementandDerek Flood, Healing the Gospel: A Radical Vision for Grace, Justice, and the CrossCharles Hefling572
Rowan Williams, The Lion’s World: A Journey into the Heart of NarniaRobert MacSwain577