Summer 2008 Volume 90 • Number 3

Editor’s NotesEllen K. Wondra417
Homosexuality, Ethics, and The Church
The Reverend Canon Richard A. Norris, Jr.Richard W. Corney419
In Gratitude for the Reverend Canon Richard A. Norris, Jr.Mark S. Sisk425
In AppreciationWard B. Ewing427
IntroductionW. Mark Richardson429
Norris’s IntentionsKathryn Tanner435
Some Notes on the Current Debate Regarding Homosexuality and the Place of Homosexuals in the ChurchRichard A. Norris, Jr.437
Reasoning with ScriptureEllen F. Davis513
Beyond: A Response to Richard NorrisDale B. Martin521
Believers and the Beloved: Some Notes on Norris’s ChristologyEugene F. Rogers527
Thomas Aquinas and (Our) Moral DebateMark D. Jordan533
Same-Sex Relationships and Issues of Moral ObligationMargaret A. Farley541
Has Ms. Spaulding Been Addressed?Christopher L. Morse549
Orientation and ChoiceThomas E. Breidenthal557
Consistency and Christian EthicsWilliam Schweiker567
Toward a Positive Black Male HeterosexualityDwight N. Hopkins575
Norris’s Contribution to the Quest for Marriage EqualityWilliam Stacy Johnson583
Norris’s RazorRichard Fabian589
The Care of SoulsVictoria Matthews599
Homosexuality: The Norris Manuscript’s Pastoral DimensionsBarry C. Morgan607
The Child in Our Midst: Reflections on Richard Norris’s “Notes”Stephen Paul Bouman615
AttunedSheryl Slocum625
Lucy in the SkyJohn F. Deane626
UnmaskingLeslie Goerner628
Structural Detail: St. Patrick’s CathedralBonnie Thurston629
The Upper RoomTim Gavin630
Review Article
Looking from the Outside In:
Social Science and Sexual Identity
in Today’s Churches
Jay Emerson Johnson631
Book Reviews
A. K. M. Adam, Faithful Interpretation: Reading the Bible in a Postmodern WorldSean D. Burke649
Stephen Budiansky, The Bloody Shirt: Terror after Appomattox
Douglas A. Blackmon, Slavery by Another Name: The Re-enslavement of Black Americans from the Civil War to World War II
John Addison Dally650
E. D. H. Carmichael, Friendship: Interpreting Christian LoveDongsheng John Wu653
Owen F. Cummings, Canterbury Cousins: The Eucharist in Contemporary Anglican TheologyLeander S. Harding656
Roger Ferlo (ed.), HeavenMicah Jackson657
Patrick Leigh Fermor, A Time to Keep SilenceGary R. Hall658
Brian Hebblethwaite and Douglas Hedley (eds.), The Human Person in God’s World: Studies to Commemorate the Austin Farrer Centenary
Ann Loades and Robert MacSwain (eds.), The Truth-Seeking Heart: Austin Farrer and His Writings
Jeffrey Vogel660
Bernard Hoose (ed.), Authority in the Roman Catholic Church: Theory and PracticeEllen K. Wondra664
Grazyna Drabik and David Curzon (eds.), Astonishments: Selected Poems of Anna KamienskaMary Mallek Haines667
W. Eugene March, God’s Land on Loan: Israel, Palestine, and the WorldAlain Epp Weaver668
Peter Matheson (ed.), Reformation ChristianityFredrica Harris Thompsett670
Walter Russell Mead, God and Gold: Britain, America, and the Making of the Modern WorldTimothy F. Sedgwick672
Jurgen Moltmann, A Broad Place: An AutobiographyBrock Bingaman673
Jeremy Morris (ed.), To Build Christ’s Kingdom: F. D. Maurice and His WritingsAnthony D. Baker675
Michael Mott, The World of Richard DaddSofia M. Starnes677
Jane Barter Moulaison, Lord, Giver of Life: Toward a Pneumatological Complement to George Lindbeck’s Theory of DoctrineMatthew Aaron Tennant680
Richard I. Pervo, Dating Acts: Between the Evangelists and the ApologistsMatthew L. Skinner681
Theresa Sanders, Tenebrae: Holy Week after the HolocaustRichard Geoffrey Leggett683
John D. Sykes, Jr., Flannery O’Connor, Walker Percy, and the Aesthetic of RevelationGary R. Hall685
Earl Zimmerman, Practicing the Politics of Jesus: The Origin and Significance of John Howard Yoder’s Social EthicsAlain Epp Weaver686