Summer 2007 Volume 89 • Number 3

Editor’s NotesEllen K. Wondra353
Towards a Paschal Theology of Restorative JusticeWilliam J. Danaher, Jr.359
Mary and Scripture: A Response to Mary: Grace and Hope in ChristFrederick Borsch375
Adiaphora: The Achilles Heel of the Windsor ReportTimothy W. Bartel401
Richard Hooker on the Eucharist:
A Commentary on the Laws V.67
Ronald Vince421
The Haste of Sin, the Slowness of Salvation:
An Interpretation of Irenaeus on the Fall and Redemption
Jeffrey Vogel443
What’s Anglican about MissionStephanie Spellers461
God’s Wreck (A Response to the Life and Work of Gerard Manley Hopkins)Warren Meredith Harris475
The Woman Taken in AdulteryWilliam Miller476
The LessonThom Satterlee477
A Game of PatienceRobert MacSwain479
Book Reviews
Marilyn McCord Adams, Christ and Horrors: The Coherence of ChristologySally Stamper481
Demetrios Bathrellos, The Byzantine Christ: Person, Nature, and the Will in the Christology of Saint Maximus the ConfessorAdrian Guiu483
Frederick H. Borsch, The Spirit Searches Everything: Keeping Life’s QuestionsCarolyn Tanner Irish485
Thomas E. Breidenthal, Sacred UnionsEllen K. Wondra490
Colin Buchanan, Historical Dictionary of AnglicanismCharles Hefling491
Kelly Bulkeley, The Wondering Brain: Thinking about Religion with and beyond Cognitive NeuroscienceDavid T. Gortner493
Jason Byassee, Reading Augustine: A Guide to the ConfessionsA. K. M. Adam495
James L. Cox, A Guide to the Phenomenology of Religion: Key Figures, Formative Influences, and Subsequent DebatesRyan David Coyne498
Ronald L. Dowling and David R. Holeton (eds.), Equipping the Saints: Ordination in Anglicanism Today. Papers from the Sixth International Anglican Liturgical ConsultationRuth A. Meyers499
James D. G. Dunn, Unity and Diversity in the New Testament: An Inquiry into the Character of Earliest ChristianityC. K. Robertson501
Tamar Frankiel, Kabbalah: A Brief Introduction for ChristiansLucinda Allen Mosher503
Edwin H. Friedman, A Failure of Nerve: Leadership in the Age of the Quick FixPeter Eaton504
David Hempton, Methodism: Empire of the SpiritKevin Douglas Hill507
James Davison Hunter and Alan Wolfe, Is There a Culture War? A Dialogue on Values and American Public LifeGardiner H. Shattuck, Jr.508
Alastair H. B. Logan, The Gnostics: Identifying an Early Christian CultWilliam A. Richards510
Bernard McGinn (ed.), The Essential Writings of Christian MysticismE. Rozanne Elder513
David Middleton, The Habitual Peacefulness of Gruchy: Poems After Pictures by Jean-Francois MilletSheryl Slocum514
Aidan Nichols, Scattering the Seed:
A Guide through Balthasar’s Early Writings on Philosophy and the Arts
Myriam Renaud516
James L. Resseguie, Narrative Criticism of the New Testament: An IntroductionBradley Pace518
Jim Schenk (ed.), What Does God Look Like in an Expanding Universe? An Anthology on God, Life and DeathJay Emerson Johnson519
Manlio Simonetti and Marco Conti (eds.), JobTimothy Johnson520
Jean Staune (ed.), Science and the Search for Meaning: Perspectives from International ScientistsMark Graves522
Kevin J. Vanhoozer, The Drama of Doctrine:
A Canonical-Linguistic Approach to Christian Theology
J. Scott Jackson524
Fiona Vidal-White (ed.), My Heart Sings Out and My Heart Sings Out: Teacher’s GuideM. Milner Seifert525
John Webster, Confessing God: Essays in Christian Dogmatics IIJoseph Mangina527
Counting TreasuresGawain De Leeuw529