
Winter 2011 • Volume 93 • Number 1

CONTENTS Editor’s Notes Ellen K. Wondra SAME-SEX RELATIONSHIPS AND THE NATURE OF MARRIAGE: A THEOLOGICAL COLLOQUY Foreword Henry Nutt Parsley, Jr. Preface Ellen T. Charry Same-Sex Marriage and Anglican Theology: …

Fall 2010 Volume 92 • Number 4

CONTENTS Preface W. Mark Richardson Foreword James H. Cooper Introduction Frederick Borsch 591 Sermon: Building Our Economy with an Ethical Responsibility Bernard Ntahoturi 601 Articles Theology and Economics: Two Different …

Summer 2010 Volume 92 • Number 3

Contents Editor’s Notes Ellen K. Wondra 435 Rick Warren Meets Gregory Dix: The Liturgical Movement Comes Knocking at the Megachurch Door Patrick Malloy 439 Expressing What Christians Believe: Anglican Principles …

Spring 2010 Volume 92 • Number 2

Contents Editor’s Notes Ellen K. Wondra 255 Baptism as the Model for a Sacramental Aesthetic Louis Weil 259 The Breath of Life: Christian Perspectives on Conception and Ensoulment Lindsey Disney …