Winter 2009 Volume 91 • Number 1

Editor’s NotesEllen K. Wondra1
Introduction: Toward a Theology of LeadershipChristopher A. Beeley and Joseph H. Britton3
Theology and Pastoral LeadershipChristopher A. Beeley11
To Remember the Lord Jesus: Leadership and Memory in the New TestamentEllen Bradshaw Aitken31
On the PriesthoodGreg Jones47
The Word of the Cross: Mission, Power, and the Theology of LeadershipJennifer Strawbridge61
Leadership from the Inside OutJames P. Bartz81
Something to Say: Pastoral Leadership and the WordJoseph H. Britton93
“The Bells of Paradise I Heard Them Ring”John Addison Dally107
YesBarbara Crooker113
Awaiting ExecutionMichael Mott114
Dear Once-IncarnateShane McCrae115
Next QuestionJoseph Awad116
In SanctuaryDavid Radavich117
Review Article
Looking at Leadership Beyond Our Own HorizonDavid T. Gortner119
Book Reviews
Robert Alter, The Book of Psalms: A Translation with Commentary
Jason Byasse, Praise Seeking Understanding: Reading the Psalms with Augustine
O. C. Edwards, Jr.143
David B. Burrell, Deconstructing Theodicy: Why Job Has Nothing to Say to the Puzzle of SufferingTimothy Johnson147
Donald Capps, Jesus: The Village PsychiatristT. Michael W. Halcomb150
John D. Caputo, What Would Jesus Deconstruct? The Good News of Postmodernism for the ChurchNathan Crawford151
Pamela Cooper-White, Many Voices: Pastoral Psychotheraphy in Relational and Theological PerspectiveJody H. Clarke154
Ira Brent Driggers, Following God through Mark: Theological Tension in the Second GospelAnthony D. Baker156
Ondina E. Gonzales and Justo L. Gonzales, Christianity in Latin America: A HistoryMatthew Aaron Tennant159
Edith Humphrey, And I Turned to See the Voice: The Rhetoric of Vision in the New TestamentBogdan G. Bucur161
Catherine Keller, On the Mystery: Discerning God in ProcessSally Stamper164
William Madges and Michael J. Daley (eds.), The Many Marks of the ChurchErin Brigham165
Peter Rollins, How (Not) to Speak of GodDavid Newheiser167
William G. Rusch, Ecumenical Reception: Its Challenge and OpportunityBrian P. Flanagan169
David J. Schlafer and Timothy F. Sedgwick, Preaching What We Practice: Proclamation and Moral DiscernmentLinda Lee Clader172
F. LeRon Shults, Christology and ScienceJoel C. Daniels175
Sofia M. Starnes, Corpus Homini: A Poem for Single FleshJill P. Baumgartner176
Gerd Theissen, The Bible and Contemporary CultureFrank C. Senn180
Lawrence Wood, News to Me: Gospel Stories for the Real WorldSam Portaro182