Fall 2010 Volume 92 • Number 4

PrefaceW. Mark Richardson
ForewordJames H. Cooper
IntroductionFrederick Borsch591
Sermon: Building Our Economy with an Ethical ResponsibilityBernard Ntahoturi601
Theology and Economics: Two Different Worlds?Rowan Williams607
Is Capitalism a Belief System?Kathryn Tanner617
Natural WealthPartha Dasgupta637
Turbo-Capitalism, Economic Crisis, and Economic DemocracyGary Dorrien649
Metaphysics and the Principle of EconomyD. Stephen Long669
Elements of Renewal: Fourfold WisdomMarion Grau687
Two, or Perhaps Two and a Half Cheers for GlobalizationBrent Waters707
Practicing Theology
Capitalism, Immigration, and the Prosperity GospelDaisy L. Machado723
Borders and Blessings: Reflections on the National Immigration Crisis from the Arizona DesertSeth Polley731
Giants in the LandTom Van Laningham739
Economic Justice in San Antonio, Texas: Project QUESTWill Wauters747
Workers: A Missing Link in the Theology-Economics DebateRichard Gillett753
Practicing the Justice of GodGary Commins and Anna Olson761
Grace in the City: Urban Ministry in the New NormalPatrick Malloy769
Mission, Ministry, and MoneyR. J. Osborne and Rene Jamieson777
Distribution Ministries in a Multicultural SocietyElizabeth Zivanov783
ConversionCathy C. Campbell791
Jubilee Ministry: The Bridge between Loving God and Loving NeighborChristopher Johnson799
Mission and Ministry: Responding to Schism and Economic DownturnLouis B. Hays807
The Necessity of Native American Autonomy for Successful PartnershipsRachel K. Taber-Hamilton817
Edward Hopper Note CardsScott Colburn827
ExhalationElizabeth Harlan-Ferlo828
EikonM. J. Kledzik829
The Fall of AdamPhilip H. Christensen830
YokeKyle Laws831
Book Reviews
Naim Stifan Ateek, A Palestinian Christian Cry for ReconciliationNewland Smith833
Lytta Basset, Holy Anger: Jacob, Job, JesusEric Biddy834
Trevor Beeson, In Tuneful Accord: The Church MusiciansCharles Hefling837
James D. Borkowski, Middle East Ecumenism from an Anglican PerspectiveBradley A. Peterson838
Frederick Borsch, Our First Atom Bomb: An All-American StoryCharles Bennison839
Gary M. Burge, Jesus and the Land: The New Testament Challenge to “Holy Land” TheologyWalter M. Dunnett842
Oliver Davies, Paul D. Janz, and Clemens Sedmak, Transformation Theology: Church in the WorldNathan Crawford844
Scott A. Dunham, The Trinity and Creation in Augustine: An Ecological AnalysisScott Clyburn845
Leslie Goerner, Practicing ForeverMaryanne Hannan849
Philip Goodchild, The Theology of MoneyNathan Crawford850
Myk Habets, The Anointed Son: A Trinitarian Spirit ChristologyTodd Dennis Oswald853
Alan J. Hauser and Duane F. Watson (eds.), A History of Biblical Interpretation, Volume 2: The Medieval through the Reformation PeriodsWalter M. Dunnett854
George Hunsinger, The Eucharist and EcumenismLouis Weil857
Margaret B. Ingraham, This Holy Alphabet: Lyric Poems Adapted from Psalm 119Bonnie Thurston859
Mark Johnston, Saving God: Religion after IdolatryJoel C. Daniels860
Sandra M. Levy, Imagination and the Journey of FaithCatherine M. Wallace862
Olga Lossky, Toward the Endless Day: The Life of Elisabeth Behr-SigelMaria Gwyn McDowell863
Oliver O’Donovan, Church in Crisis: The Gay Controversy and the Anglican CommunionDavid Newheiser866
Kenan B. Osborne, Community, Eucharist, and Spirituality
Andrea Bieler and Luise Schottroff, The Eucharist Bodies, Bread, and Resurrection
Matthew Johnson867
D. C. Parker, An Introduction to the New Testament Manuscripts and their TextsBrice C. Jones870
Paul J. Willis, Rosing from the Dead: PoemsPamela Cranston872