Winter 2014 • Volume 96 • Number 1

From Edinburgh to Georgetown: Anglican Interfaith Bridge-BuildingDouglas Pratt15
Remembering the Covenant: Judaism in an Anglican Theology of Interfaith RelationsMichael Ipgrave39
The Episcopal Church and Religious Manyness: Steps Toward a TheologyLucinda Allen Mosher57
Hospitality and Embassy: The Persistent Influence of Kenneth Cragg on Anglican Theologies of Interfaith RelationsRichard Sudworth73
Alan Coates Bouquet (1884-1976): Twentieth-Century Foundations for an Anglican Theology of ReligionKenneth Cracknell91
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Anglicans in Palestine/Israel and Christian-Muslim RelationsYvonne Yazbeck Haddad109
Dialogue Under Persecution: Anglicanism in Iran Engaging with Shi‘a IslamGuli Francis-Dehqani133
Practicing Theology
Formation for MissionThomas E. Breidenthal147
A Scattering of HoneyMary Mallek Haines155
Her HandsSteven Walters156
Spirit, RecognitionMaryanne Hannan157
Do Not TouchFrederick Borsch158
The Lost Kids of New OrleansWilliam Miller159
Off the CoastDavid Radavich160
Book Reviews
Mia Anderson, The Sunrise Liturgy: A Poem SequencePamela Cranston163
Sergius Bulgakov, translated by Thomas Allan Smith, Jacob’s Ladder: On AngelsDylan D. Potter166
Patrick S. Cheng, Rainbow Theology: Bridging Race, Sexuality, and SpiritTobias Stanislas Haller, BSG169
Harvey Cox and Stephanie Paulsell, Lamentations and the Song of Songs: A Theological Commentary on the BibleBillie Anne Robinson170
Anthony Dancer, An Alien in a Strange Land: Theology in the Life of William StringfellowJ. Scott Jackson173
Brian Douglas, A Companion to Anglican Eucharistic TheologyPaul Friesen176
William Gibson, Peter Forsaith, and Martin Wellings, editors, The Ashgate Research Companion to World MethodismTara Flanagan179
Luke Hankins, editor, Poems of Devotion: An Anthology of Recent PoetsChristopher Davis182
Deborah J. Haynes, Spirituality and Growth on the Leadership Path: An AbecedaryAllison St. Louis183
Robert MacSwain and Taylor Worley, editors, Theology, Aesthetics, and Culture: Responses to the Work of David BrownAnthony D. Baker185
Brian D. McLaren, Why Did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and Mohammed Cross the Road?: Christian Identity in a Multi-Faith WorldTim Vivian188
William C. Mills, Church, World, and Kingdom: The Eucharistic Foundation of Alexander Schmemann’s Pastoral TheologyKevin Flynn190
Edmund Newey, Children of God: The Child as Source of Theological AnthropologyElizabeth Dodd194
Irene Nowell, Pleading, Cursing, Praising: Conversing with God through the PsalmsJengzen Huang195
Steven Ozment, The Serpent and the Lamb: Cranach, Luther and the Making of the ReformationDavid McNutt197
Adrian Pabst, Metaphysics: The Creation of HierarchyJonathan Douglas Hicks200
Lamin Sanneh, Summoned from the Margin: Homecoming of an AfricanJesse Zink202
Peter-Ben Smit, Tradition in Dialogue: The Understanding of Tradition in the International Bilateral Dialogues of the Anglican CommunionR. William Franklin205
Louis Weil, Liturgical Sense: The Logic of RiteJ. Barrington Bates207
Gordon Wenham, The Psalter Reclaimed: Praying and Praising with the PsalmsBenjamin D. Espinoza210
A. N. Williams, The Architecture of Theology: Structure, System, and RatioPaul Dominiak211
Rowan Williams, Faith in the Public SquareJames Walters213